• Antarctica On Flowvella

    Antarctica On Flowvella

    Greater Antarctica, or East Antarctica, is composed of older, igneous and metamorphic rocks. Lesser Antarctica, or West Antarctica, is made up of younger, volcanic and sedimentary rock. Lesser Antarctica, in fact, is part of the “Ring of Fire,” a tectonically active area around the Pacific Ocean.

    Antarctica is the coldest, windiest and driest continent. It contains 90 percent of all of the ice on Earth in an area just under 1.5 times the size of the United States. But the southernmost continent is much more than a big block of ice. Antarctic climate Lying in the Antarctic Circle that rings the southern part of the globe, Antarctica is the fifth largest continent. Its size varies through the seasons, as expanding sea ice along the coast nearly doubles the continent's size in the winter. Almost all of Antarctica is covered with ice; less than half a percent of the vast wilderness is ice-free. The continent is divided into two regions, known as East and West Antarctica.

    1. Antarctica Jett Nunn - Screen 8 on FlowVella - Presentation Software for Mac iPad and iPhone.
    2. Current weather in South Pole and forecast for today, tomorrow, and next 14 days. Menu timeanddate.com. Home Weather Antarctica South Pole.
    3. Mikhail “Mike” Fokin, RI1AND, at Novolazarevskaya Base, Antarctica, has been showing up on PSK31 on 40 and 20 meters, working into the US. Oleg Neruchev, ZS1OIN/UA3HK, will be active as RI1ANN from the Russian Progress station until February 22 (QSL via ZS1OIN).

    East Antarctica makes up two-thirds of the continent, and is about the size of Australia. Ice in this part of the continent averages 1.2 miles (2 kilometers) thick. West Antarctica, on the other hand, is a series of frozen islands stretching toward the southern tip of South America, forming an extension of the Andes Mountains.

    The two regions are separated by the Transantarctic Mountains, a range that stretches across the continent, and is sometimes completely covered by ice. The is not a smooth sheet but a continuously changing expanse. Glaciers inch across the continent, cracking and breaking the ice. Crevasse fields with cracks hundreds of feet deep span the continent, hidden by only a shallow layer of snow. Icebergs fall along the coast, where shelves and glaciers break off into the sea. Despite all its ice, Antarctica is classified as a desert because so little moisture falls from the sky. The inner regions of the continent receive an average of 2 inches (50 millimeters) of precipitation — primarily in the form of snow — each year.

    To put that into perspective, much of the Sahara desert gets twice as much rain each year. The coastal regions of Antarctica receive more falling moisture, but still average only 8 inches (200 mm) annually. Unlike most desert regions, however, the moisture doesn't soak into the ground. Instead, the snow piles on top of itself. Although little moisture falls from the sky, Antarctica is still battered by colossal blizzards. Like sandstorms in the desert, the wind picks snow up from the ground and blows vast white blankets. Winds can reach up to 200 mph (320 km/h).

    Because it lies in the Southern Hemisphere, seasons in Antarctica are the opposite of seasons in the north. Summer runs from October to February and winter covers the remainder of the year.

    Antarctic summers average just above freezing, with the more mountainous East Antarctica colder than its western counterpart. The lowest temperature in the world, minus 89.6 degrees Celsius (minus 129.3 degrees Fahrenheit), was recorded at Vostok Station, a Russian research station in inland Antarctica. Exploring Antarctica The frozen southern continent wasn't spotted until 1820.

    American seal hunter John Davis was the first to claim he landed on Antarctica in 1821, although some historians dispute his claim. At the beginning of the 20th century, two groups of explorers set out across the desolate Antarctic landscape in a race to walk where no man had walked before. One team was led by Norwegian explorer Roald Amundsen, and the other by English naval officer Robert Scott.

    The groups spent 99 days racing one another to the, before Amundsen's group claimed victory on Dec. Scott and his crew made it to the pole four weeks later on Jan. 17, 1913, but. A search party found Scott and his two remaining companions inside their sleeping bags in a small tent on the ice, 11 miles (17 kilometers) from the nearest cache of food and supplies. In 1914, the Irish-born British explorer Ernest Shackleton set out to be the first to achieve an overland crossing of Antarctica through the South Pole — about an 1,800- mile (2,900 km) trek.Shackleton and his crew of 28 men faced incredible challenges and never made it across the continent, although they all eventually made it home alive, according to. Life below zero The plant life on Antarctica is limited to a smattering of mosses, lichen and algae. Seasonal moss coverage on Antarctica, especially on it’s rapidly warming peninsula,.

    Scientists expect the cold continent to become even more green as global temperatures continue to rise. Despite the lack of lush greenery, and complete absence of amphibians, reptiles and terrestrial mammals, there remains an abundance of wildlife in and around Antarctica. Large populations of penguins, whales, fish and invertebrates thrive along Antarctica's coasts and frigid seas, especially in the summer. The male is the only warm-blooded animal to remain on the continent through the freezing winter while nesting on the single egg laid by its mate. (The female spends nine weeks at sea and returns in time for the egg to hatch.) 'You really see a complete spectrum of wildlife that you'll see nowhere else in the world,' said Chuck Kennicutt, former president of the.

    'It's truly a beautiful and awe-inspiring location. A lot of people who go down early in their careers become dedicated to the Antarctic science for the rest of their lives,' Kennicutt said. There are no indigenous people on the frozen continent. Today, human habitation exists at a variety of scientific research stations managed by more than 20 countries, including the United States, China, Russia, Japan, France and Germany. The harsh weather and remote location does little to keep scientists away from the southern continent.

    As many as 4,000 visiting scientists, spread out across 70 research stations, inhabit the continent during the summer, according to. The number of people drops to 1,000 during winter. “There is so much we don’t know about all aspects of Antarctic research that the chance of a significant discovery is great,” said Dr. Alexandra Isern, acting section head of the ’s program director for Antarctic sciences division. “I think, in part, it is the exploratory nature of Antarctic science that makes it so exciting for students and researchers,” said Isern.

    Science on ice Although Antarctica is largely a hub for climatologists, oceanographers and marine biologists, the frozen desert also attracts astronomers from across the globe. Thanks to its dry climate and the absence of light pollution, Antarctica is one of the best places on Earth to observe space. A small number of telescopes and stellar observatories, such as the and sit atop the white continent. Built in 2010, the IceCube is the first observatory of its kind.

    The facility houses a detector designed to identify (subatomic particles as small as electrons) that originate within our galaxy and beyond. This ultra-sensitive device, which is buried about a mile into the Antarctic ice sheet, is the first gigaton neutrino detector ever built.

    In recent decades, scientists using radar and satellite technology have discovered a system of rivers and lakes beneath Antarctica’s thick ice sheets. Studying these subglacial lakes, some of which are as large as North America's Great Lakes, will help scientists refine their predictions of future, long-term ice sheet changes, according to a published by the in 2016. The vast, mostly vegetation-free expanse makes an excellent place to search for; the dark rocks stand out easily against the white backdrop, with few growing plants to obscure them. In 2013, a team of Belgian and Japanese on the East Antarctic plateau. Antarctica's freezing weather also makes it an ideal location to study how plants and animals adapt to extreme environmental conditions. For example, in 2013, scientists discovered that emperor penguins using a handy adaptation known as countercurrent heat exchange. The blood vessels in their webbed, unprotected feet are wrapped around one another to minimize the amount of heat that is lost to the ground.

    Penguins also have the ability to adjust blood flow to their feet in response to changes in foot temperature — allowing just enough warm blood in to keep their feet from freezing. Finding microbial life in some of the most desolate regions of Antarctica has given scientists hope of finding on relatively. In 2014, scientists identified Antarctic microbes capable of on air alone. Fun facts about Antarctica In 1959, 12 countries with scientists stationed in and around Antarctica signed a agreement that 'Antarctica shall continue forever to be used exclusively for peaceful purposes and shall not become the scene or object of international discord.' Since then, more than 38 countries have signed what is now known as the. Catherine Mikkelson, the wife of a Norwegian whaling captain, became the first woman to visit Antarctica in 1935. As part of its effort to claim a portion of Antarctica, Argentina sent a pregnant woman to the continent.

    In January 1979, Emile Marco Palma became the first child born on the southernmost continent. The area of Antarctica is approximately 5.4 million square miles (14 million square km). The continental U.S. Is 3.6 million square miles (9.36 million square km). There are no huskies pulling sleds in Antarctica.

    As of 1994, no non-native species may be taken to Antarctica. Motor vehicles are the primary method of transportation across the ice. There at least two active volcanoes in Antarctica.

    The highest, Mount Erebus (12,448 feet; 3,794 meters), boasts a permanent lake. The other lies on Deception Island, off the Antarctic Peninsula. Although eruptions in 1967 and 1969 damaged science stations there, the island remains popular with tourists, who can bathe in the water warmed by the volcano while surrounded by ice. If you throw boiling water into the air in Antarctica, it will instantly vaporize. Most of the particles will turn into steam, while others are instantly converted to small pieces of ice.

    Millions of years ago, Antarctica had a much warmer climate and boasted and a variety of animals. Fossils from this earlier period provide scientists with clues about life before Antarctica became a vast icy shelf. Melting Antarctica's ice sheets would raise oceans around the world by 200 feet to 210 feet (60 to 65 m). In 2000, the largest recorded icebergs broke free from the Ross Ice Shelf, a region the size of Texas. With a surface area of 4,250 square miles (11,000 square km) above water and 10 times the size beneath, the iceberg was approximately as large as Connecticut. Additional reporting by Traci Pedersen, Live Science contributor. This article was updated on Sept.

    21, 2018, by Live Science contributor Annie Roth.

    Well, that's not good. Late Wednesday afternoon, the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission announced a recall for battery packs in Toshiba laptops sold between June 2011 and January 2016. The recall affects nearly 40 different Toshiba models of PCs including Portege, Satellite, and Tecra models. The CPSC estimates the recall will affect about 91,000 units sold in the United States and another 10,000 sold in Canada.

    Toshiba first revealed the battery pack problems when it announced a voluntary recall in late January. Anyone affected can receive a free replacement battery from Toshiba. When Joseph Lister figured out that many people died in hospitals back in his day because of poor hygiene standards and the lack of sterilization, his revamped best practices at hospitals and on the.

    Surgery tables have helped save countless lives since. In other words, whenever one intends to perform a surgery, just make sure that the area around as well as tools used are sterilized – otherwise the patient might just catch a nasty virus from the surgery opening and end up for the worse.

    Developing countries or remote that require emergency operations might not have such facilities, which is why the idea of a solar-powered Sterile Box makes perfect sense. Public policy professor Douglas Schuler at Rice University, alongside his bunch of graduate students, have managed to figure out a. I'm sorry but, 'Robots, start your motors' just doesn't have the same ring to it.

    What the all-autonomous Roborace lacks in human personas and engine noise, its cars easily make up for. With visual panache. SEE ALSO: Upgrade your 'Insane' Tesla P90D to 'Ludicrous' for $10,000. That's clearly evidenced by the first design renderings released by Roborace, the world's first driverless racing series, Wednesday afternoon. The car was penned computerized by Chief Design Officer Daniel Simon who's famous for his work on the sci-fi movies Tron: Legacy and Oblivion.

    If I do say so myself, Simon has outdone himself this time. Well, the inevitable has happened – those who actually placed an order for the iPhone SE or the 9.7' iPad Pro on March 24 earlier this month should have already begun to pick up their respective. Devices already, and not only that, the Apple retail stores will also open up their doors to facilitate the need for in-store sales.

    Folks living in New Zealand had started to share with the world on how their new devices look like upon arrival, accompanied by unboxing images and the ilk, all making good leverage of social networks such as Facebook, Instagram, reddit, and Twitter. Others living in the US (only a small handful, mind you) were also lucky enough to pick up their 9.7' iPad Pro, too.

    As the planet continues to turn on its axis while ushering in many countries in the east into March. Jon Snow, who is obviously very dead and never coming back, may have been the key to the whole A Song of Ice and Fire story.

    At least, that's what Andrew Beveridge and Jie Shan of Math. Horizons argue in a new research paper that maps out the insanely complicated social networks of Westeros. The authors used the third book in the series, A Storm of Swords, to generate their list of characters and connections, which explains why the also-dead Robb Stark is featured so prominently. (RIP Robb, I'll always remember when you ruined my life with your stunning jawline and laughably bad decision-making.) The authors considered two characters connected if they interacted, spoke of each other, or were mentioned together.

    Have you ever wondered if the water in your house is safe to drink? While many have been angered by the news that children in Flint, Michigan were exposed to abnormally high amounts of lead in their. Drinking water, clean water is actually a problem for millions of Americans. Chicago is busy replacing 900 miles of hundred-year-old, potentially hazardous lead pipes, while Fresno is dealing with cancer causing chemicals in wells. The American Society of Civil Engineers estimates US water infrastructure is nearing the end of its useful life and will need to be replaced, probably costing around a trillion.

    Apple's security concessions in corporate devices may have created a loophole in an otherwise secure system, according to new research from Check Point Software Technologies, a company that sells. Internet security hardware and software. When successful, this 'SideStepper' attack gives perpetrators access to victims' devices, including their data, as well as the power to install malicious apps.

    The new attack takes advantage of less rigorous software controls for corporate device users, particularly those who use Mobile Device Management solutions (or MDMs) to get apps delivered to their phones. The majority of device owners aren't susceptible to the attack because they don't use MDMs. Even those who do, have to fall for a phishing text.

    Superconducting materials have the characteristic of letting an electric current flow without resistance. The study of superconductors with a high critical temperature discovered in the 1980s remains. A very attractive research subject for physicists. Indeed, many experimental observations still lack an adequate theoretical description. Researchers from the University of Geneva (UNIGE) in Switzerland and the Technical University Munich in Germany have lifted the veil on the electronic characteristics of high-temperature superconductors. Their research, published in Nature Communications, shows that the electronic densities measured in these superconductors are a combination of two separate effects. As a result, they propose a new model that suggests the existence of two coexisting states.

    Antarctica On Flowvella